Iberico Pork Japanese Style Chashu チャーシューUnagi-don (鰻丼), Japanese Style Grilled Freshwater Eel on rice5. How to make Dashi/鰹節のプロがこっそり教えるだしの取り方Uni ChawanmushiSansai Recipes (山菜)Sansai Recipes (山菜)Sansai Recipes (山菜)Sansai Recipes (山菜)Sansai Recipes (山菜)Sansai Recipes (山菜)Tamahide Nagoya Cochin Oyakodon Recipe 玉ひで名古屋コーチン親子丼たまひも親子丼 Tamahimo OyakodonWild Boar Nabe (Botan Nabe/ ぼたん鍋; Inoshishi-nabe/猪鍋)MotsunabeTakenoko Gohan 竹の子ご飯/ 筍ご飯Anago sweet sauce Recipe (Anago Tare/アナゴ たれ)Anago (穴子/アナゴ), Japanese Style Simmered Sea Eel RecipeHow to Grow Koji 麹Umeshu RecipeUme Sour Recipe (梅サワーの作り方)How to Make Iio Jozo’s Purple Sweet Potato Vinegar (富士酢の紅芋酢の作り方)Raw Egg Over Rice (Tamago Kake Gohan/卵かけご飯)Sweetfish Rice with Sweet Pea Shoots (Ayu Gohan/鮎ご飯)Ichigo Daifuku with Red and White Sweet Bean Paste (白あんとこしあんのいちご大福)Matsutake Gohan/Japanese Pine Mushroom Rice (松茸ご飯)たまひもパスタ Tamahimo Pasta/Unlaid Egg PastaHow to make homemade Nigari and gypsum salt extracted from seawater (海水からにがりを抽出する方法)How to make homemade Shiratamako (白玉粉) flour from scratchLactic-acid Fermented Matsutake Mushrooms (Lacto Matsutake Mushrooms/乳酸発酵松茸)Unagi/Eel liver Soup Recipe (Kimosui/うなぎの肝吸い)Akadashi Miso Soup (赤だし味噌汁)How to make 5-years aged umeboshi with red shiso leaves and kombuHirezake and Fugu Milt Sake Recipe 虎ふぐの白子酒とひれ酒の作り方Zuboraya’s Ponzu Sauce Recipe (づぼらや のポン酢の作り方)Wild Alpine Strawberry Jam with Sudachi Recipe (野生のイチゴとスダチジャムの作り方)How to grill tuna collar (焼きマグロのかま)Azabu Kadowaki’s Claypot Truffle Rice Recipe (麻布かどわきのトリュフご飯の作り方)Maru Yubeshi Recipe (丸柚餅子の作り方)Yuzushu with Honey and saffron (はちみつとサフラン柚子酒の作り方)How to make Chestnut Rice in a Donabe (新米の栗ご飯の作り方)Kinmedai-meshi/金目鯛めしSimmered Kinmedai Head 金目鯛頭の煮付けHow to make homemade Yukari rice seasoning recipe (自家製ゆかりの作り方)Umeboshi with Rose (バラ梅干し)Shirako Mapo Tofu Recipe 白子麻婆豆腐の作り方Silkworm Tsukudani (かいこのサナギの佃煮)Ricotta Stuffed Courgette Flower Salad, Botan Shrimp and HazelnutsHokkaido Yezo Sika Deer, Wild Garlic Risotto, Chocolate Sauce and Juniper CreamWater Cooked Fish- Poached Fish in a Sea of Chili Oil 水煮鱼Steamed Managatsuo Cantonese Style 蒸し真魚鰹 (まながつお)Shisen Hanten’s Dan Dan Noodles (Dry), 四川飯店の担担麺(乾麺)